Weatherize Montpelier a Success!

The first Weatherize Montpelier campaign launched this past spring by the Montpelier Energy Advisory Committee (MEAC) was a great success! Starting with a well-attended kickoff event on February 15th, over the course of the 3 month campaign 142 Montpelier residents requested information about how to weatherize their homes, 63 households has a professional contractor do a walk-through of their home, and already 14 homeowners have signed contracts for weatherization work.

Montpelier's Weatherize campaign was based on a similar program in the Upper Valley coordinated by Vital Communities. With their help, MEAC was able to quickly get a campaign up and running in Montpelier, collaborating with four local weatherization contractors (Building Energy, Montpelier Construction, WARM and Energy Smart) to conduct walk-throughs of homes and provide participants with a proposal for work, information about incentives available through Efficiency Vermont and options for financing the renovations. Green Mountain Power also partnered on the Weatherize Montpelier campaign, providing Nest Thermostat door prizes at the kickoff event, and a $500 cash prize to the winner of a drawing (all participants who signed a contract for work by May 31st were entered into a drawing for the prize).

MEAC is now collaborating with Vital Communities to help expand the Weatherize program state-wide in 2019. While the campaign is over for this year, additional resources on how to weatherize your home are still available at